Directed by Dr. Mark Allen Young, a caring and compassionate pain doctor and board certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician, the Center specializes in helping people in pain by holistically balancing traditional treatments with complementary and alternative therapies.
The center takes pride in offering a wide array of scientifically supported treatments including acupuncture, injections, hypnosis, nutritional guidance, herbal modalities, medication evaluation & treatment, music therapy, and nerve blocks.
Diagnostic services featured include: Electrodiagnostic evaluation (EMG & Nerve Conduction Studies), Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, Disability assessments, Musculoskeletal and Neurological Evaluation.
The center is currently accepting new patients. For patient convenience the Center maintains two convenient disability accessible offices. The center maintains flexible office hours with evening and weekend appointments available. Most health insurance leading providers is accepted for select services.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office.
We look forward to helping you decrease your pain.
Mark Young , M.D., MBA, FACP
5430 Campbell Blvd, Suite 205
White Marsh, MD 21162-5504
(410) 933-8800
Directions click here
We Accept Most Insurance Providers! |